• @leidkultur
    231 month ago

    Leftist: „I‘m miserable, because minorities are treated like shit, we still don’t have universal healthcare and we are at the brink of a fascist takeover.“

    MAGA: „I‘m miserable because queer people exist, black people exist, literally anyone that is different from me exists.“

    You (very intelligent): I can’t see any difference between you two.

    • @bastion@feddit.nl
      51 month ago

      There’s really no point in arguing with someone like you. It’s not your reasoning, it’s just your insane self-righteous perspective. If you’re the ‘good’ guy, l’ll gladly be the bad guy. Buy I won’t really fight unless it’s fun - in general, it’s just way easier to wait until like hands you your ass than to chamge someone’s mind.

    • @Gennadios@lemmy.world
      11 month ago

      Working in public health for a few years, I’ve found that people like to focus on things they have no control over because its a guilt free way to avoid tackling much more challenging tasks that can improve the individual’s life in the here and now.

      The fascists lost 80 years ago, there are just people you disagree with.

      I don’t know if you’re a minority, of you’re not, your dumb ass has no reason to be miserable over their treatment. If you are a minority, there are ways to dig yourself out of your QQ hole if you pull your head out of your anus. I find alot pf people who play the victim card get isolated because nobody wants to walk on egg shells around them. There are some ethnic groups with legitimate problems, but you’re on fucking Lemmy, there’s no way you’re one of them.

      Lack of universal health care? Sounds like you may benefit from getting it through a private employer. If you already have it, why are you being a miserable cunt about other people not having access? You can be concerned, but miserable cuntdom is a disproportionate reaction.

        • @Gennadios@lemmy.world
          11 month ago

          Self directed change is hard, and the majority don’t make it. I’m consistently amazed by how thse that don’t think they’re entitled to lecture me.

          • @StupidBrotherInLaw@lemmy.world
            1 month ago

            I’m not lecturing you as I don’t really care if you change or not, so I’m not telling you how or why to change. What you did is lecturing, putting out your views as prescription. I’m just pointing out to others that you’re painfully ignorant.

      • @leidkultur
        71 month ago

        Let me summerize your answer:

        „Fuck anyone but me.“

        Congratz, you’re the perfect example of a centrist 👍

        • @Gennadios@lemmy.world
          21 month ago

          The more appropriate summary is that I don’t need people who can’t take care of themselves lecture me about taking care of others. You’ll do more good in the long run tackling your own problems.

          • @leidkultur
            71 month ago

            What you don’t get is:

            Given the same conditions, some people have more obstacles put in their way than others.

            Saying „I can look after myself“ from a position of privilege is easy.

            But taking care of yourself AND removing the obstacles for others so they have the same chance to succeed like you is hard.

            And yes: it can make you miserable. Especially when egoistic people keep adding those obstacles again.

            • No no no, you don’t get it. They get to lecture us but anyone who disagrees doesn’t get to lecture them in response because they’re wrong or lazy. Or something. Probably something.

              As I’m sure you can see, we’re clearly dealing with a refined intellect far beyond our ability to understand.

              /s, in case it isn’t obvious that I’m mocking this fuckwit