• Alex LOP
    31 year ago

    Assuming you tag the top of an index as [[index]]:

    1. Current page in indexes:

      {{query (and [[index]] <%current page%> (not (page <%current page%>)))}}

    1. Indexes present in the current page:

      {{query (and [[index]] (page <%current page%>))}}

    1. Notes about the current page:

      {{query (and [[Note]] <%current page%>)}}

    1. Current page as “author” of something:

      {{query (property author <%current page%>)}}

    • @monty
      11 year ago

      Still having some trouble. Maybe it would help if I described my use case. I have a page for each employee where I’ll take notes in my 1 on 1 meetings with them. In those meetings I’d like to be able to see any open TODO or WAITING items I have with them. When I saw this post I thought I could create a page called “Current Page Open”. When I open the employee page in the main area and the “Current Page Open” on the right, the right would show me the list of TODO and WAITING that reference that employee. These tasks are typically entered in the Journal with a #employee in the block, and not directly in the employee page.

      • Alex LOP
        31 year ago

        Does this work in the right sidebar for you? For me it does:

        {{query (and <%current page%> (todo todo doing waiting))}}

        P.S. delete the word “doing” if you don’t want to see the DOING tasks.

        • @monty
          21 year ago

          That works!! Thank you so much. I was doing (page <%Current page%>) which was throwing it off. This is a big help to my workflow.