no cheating

  • @constantokra
    228 days ago

    Yeah, but I love that it exists. I also have a copy.

      128 days ago

      I full agreement.

      I’ll load it up occasionally just to revisit. Conceptually interesting, just God awful implementation.

      Norton Desktop was a GUI to replace Windows Program Manager in Win 3.1/NT 3.51 in the early 90’s that had a Desktop concept (Windows 95 looked much like it), though it had some Bob-like functionality if I remember right.

      • @constantokra
        128 days ago

        I’ll have to look into that. Im not familiar enough to with Norton desktop to know about those features. I have many fond memories of windows 3.1 and NT 3.51 though. First desktop and personal server oses I ever ran. Interestingly enough, I ran windows 3.1 on an IBM PS1, and on boot it had a desktop replacement type graphical menu to access some organizational tools. I wonder how many more things like that were common and I just didn’t have any experience with them.