• @gmtom@lemmy.world
    14 months ago

    I think most creatives who I encounter are not reacting to or considering technical details.

    Thats where the entire “AI just takes parts from other peoples art work and sticks them together” argument comes from.

    And this image that got spread around A LOT. That gets the very fundamental details entirely wrong.

    One example that comes easily to mind because of all the appeals I saw on social media to stop flooding them with AI garbage is Clarkesworld.

    Okay? You could also manually spam a magazine with bad shirt stories, but thats not a valid argument against human generated stories is it?

    which is to devalue their works, harm markets,

    And Im stating that the technology makes making art easier, so If you adapt to it instead of getting emotional and stubbornly refusing to accept change, then you’re not going to lose out like you will if you dont accept new technology. Just like a traditional artist complaining that digital art has devalued them. Its simply made art easier, so you need to adapt.

    can almost feel how excited you were to swing your credentials around here

    Yep thats why i mentioned them in my very first comment…

    while implying no one else is actually a creative,

    Except I didnt. I said people that give uneducated opinions are uneducated.

    we’re all just making things up

    Because you are?

    but you didn’t reply to this at all, even though it’s 100% simply true:

    And by using AI you do neither of those things, and devalue the work of those who do make those things.

    Because it misses the point. The point IS that AI means I dont HAVE to do either of those things. I cant afford to pay an artist for custom art for my passion project. Before AI I would have had to just give up on the project because I dont have the money. But now I can generate it myself in photoshop and I can actually work on my passion project and enjoy myself doing it.

    Do you buy all your clothes from people that hand weave the fabrics? Because if you dont then you’re devaluing the work of the people that do that.

    Do you buy all your food directly from people who hand farm in their gardens? Because if you dont then you’re devaluing the work of those farmers.

    Do you make art with real brushes made in traditional ways by artisans? Or do you use digital brushes and devalue the work of those traditional artisans?

    Technology makes things easier, it always has and always will. You can either cry and complain about it, refuse to change and be mad at people that do things the easier new way and become obsolete, or you can adapt. Simple as that.

    • @octopus_ink@lemmy.ml
      24 months ago

      Because it misses the point.

      So much for integrity.

      I don’t think you’ve understood the points anyone has tried to make, and your rebuttal examples are false equivalences.

      Good Day.

        • @octopus_ink@lemmy.ml
          24 months ago

          Why is everyone from .ml such waste of space.

          I knew the ad hom was coming, it’s how you end up in every subdiscussion in this thread when folks don’t kowtow to your viewpoint. Half your replies are implying people are stupid for daring to disagree.

          I hope the rest of your day is as lovely as you are. ❤️

          • @gmtom@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            I mean I wrote a long well reasoned response and you didnt have any actual responses so instead of responding you dismiss it and question my integrity and act smug like you’ve actually said something. So what else is there for me to do? You’re the one that abandoned the argument because you had no response.

            And yes, if you make blatantly uneducated statements that are just completely off base, im going ot call you stupid, just like I do with anti-vaxxers and flat earthers. Maybe one day you’ll understand.