So, not sure if I am completely off base here, but I had this odd thing happen today where I couldn’t post an URL because whenever I did, part of it would be replaced with the text removed. You can see what I am talking about in the screenshot, and I am linking my comment below. Another commenter replied saying it was likely something related to a slur filter in my instance, so I am coming here for help to understand the issue. Sorry if this is completely wrong, I am not very well versed in the workings of the fediverse and different instance implementations. Here’s the comment:

EDIT: if it matters, I am using the Boost for Lemmy android client

      1121 days ago

      In February 2004 in Scotland, Craig Cockburn

      Absolutely no way this guy wasn’t teased every which way to Sunday in school with that name LMAO

    • db0
      1021 days ago

      Huh interesting, it’s censored in L.W but not in my instance, which I would assume it would have been since it would federate through l.w.

      Really, what’s so dangerous about a theapp?

      721 days ago

      It also blocked emails sent in Welsh because it did not recognise the language.

      Highly recommend reading the Examples section of that page

    • dave@hal9000OP
      621 days ago

      Ha, thanks for the reference. Now I am trying to think of what offensive word “the app” could be a substring for