I’m curious to know what Proton VPN’s ad blocker offers, but I don’t see any videos or articles showing how it works. So I am addressing VPN users, because there is no free trial unfortunately to try it:

  • Does it block Cookie’s banners?
  • Is it necessary for the VPN to be constantly activated to benefit from the block?
  • Is it better than uBlock-Origin?
  • When is the page loading speed consistent?
  • On iPhone, does the battery take a hit?

No one talks about this feature even though it is highlighted by Proton themselves (https://protonvpn.com/en/features/adblocker).

  • Dominion0236
    9 months ago

    From my experience Netshield is better than nothing but not better than uBO, I use the two in combination with each other. This helps not only because they can compliment each other but Netshield also blocks ads device wide where uBO is only within FF. It also helps encrypt your DNS queries within the VPN tunnel if that’s something your threat model calls for. My only complaints are the block lists Proton uses aren’t known to anyone so who knows what they use. You also can’t see what is and what isn’t being blocked and last time I checked the protonmail app connects to google firebase, so would ProtonVPNs Netshield block that if Protonmail uses it? I’m not sure. If you want something where you can manual select blocklists and see the queries being made use NextDNS.