I found I2P much better than Tor network, and now it supports BitTorrent protocol too https://geti2p.net/en/docs/applications/bittorrent .

Why haven’t the pirates migrated to I2P? Why are we still using clearnet and making people backout of seeding cause of DMCA?

  • @CmdrShepard
    101 year ago

    I’ve been doing it for 20 years and have never been caught. I’ve never even heard of i2p until here just a couple of weeks ago. The fact that certain people are pushing it so hard and referring to standard methods in such a derogatory way makes me highly skeptical of trying it out.

    • 👁️👄👁️
      41 year ago

      Just because you haven’t been caught doesn’t mean https is suddenly a private way to pirate. It’s really not that complicated.

      • @CmdrShepard
        1 year ago

        And just because there is some new method available doesn’t mean you’re retaining your privacy there either. I have a VPN to hide my IP and as far as I’m concerned that’s enough ‘privacy’ to avoid any issues.

        What’s the worst that’ll happen, my ISP sends me a letter telling me to knock it off? You’re acting like this is some sort of top secret black ops mission in need of complete secrecy.