Not exactly self hosting but maintaining/backing it up is hard for me. So many “what if”s are coming to my mind. Like what if DB gets corrupted? What if the device breaks? If on cloud provider, what if they decide to remove the server?

I need a local server and a remote one that are synced to confidentially self-host things and setting this up is a hassle I don’t want to take.

So my question is how safe is your setup? Are you still enthusiastic with it?

    310 days ago

    Do you host your ticketing system? I’d like to try one out. My TODO markings in my notes app don’t end up organized enough to be helpful. My experience is with JIRA, which I despise with every fiber of my being.

        110 days ago

        Oh neat, I was actually planning to set that up to store scripts and some projects I’m working on, I’ll give the tickets a try then.

        110 days ago

        We built Vikunja with speed in mind - every interaction takes less than 100ms.

        Their heads are certainly in the right place. I’ll check this out, thank you!