• No, I’m saying that the DNC has the responsibility to remain impartial, and when it doesn’t, it’s not surprising that the candidate they decide deserves to be president loses.

    • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
      722 days ago

      They didn’t decide. The people voted for Clinton and then Biden, overwhelmingly. Because that’s the type of candidate they believe they want. Remember, sanders didnt drop out, he lost. Overwhelmingly so.

        • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
          22 days ago

          Are you pretending that’s been your argument up to this point?

          Btw, why didn’t you point out that both of them backtracked the comments?

          • Are you pretending that’s been your argument up to this point?

            My dude, you are the one making claims. I’m just negating them as they come.

            Btw, why didn’t you point out that both of them backtracked the comments?

            Again… Manufactured consent. Why would two senior politicians make claims and then backtrack upon them without admitting they were wrong in the first place? Could it be that both of these politicians are dependent on the DNC for their political careers?

            Just because someone is pressured into retracting a comment does not mean that it erases the material evidence the comments were based on.

            • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
              122 days ago

              My dude, you are the one making claims.

              I used the word argument, not claims. Are you suggesting you aren’t making an argument?

              Again… Manufactured consent. Why would two senior politicians make claims and then backtrack upon them without admitting they were wrong in the first place?

              So, how exactly did they rig it? You’re making some vague claims, but can point to nothing.

              • I used the word argument, not claims.

                Yes, you made an assertion which is also known as a claim, I made a rebuttal.

                Are you suggesting you aren’t making an argument?

                An argument is between two sides, one making an affirmation and the other a negation. Since you were the first to make a claim, you are the affirmation. The negation of this claim is not in fact creating a new claim, or assertion.

                My rebuttals are dependent on your assertions, so you are in fact steering the argument. So asking if I’m “pretending if that’s been my argument the whole time” is nonsensical.

                So, how exactly did they rig it? You’re making some vague claims, but can point to nothing.

                I never claimed anything was “rigged”, that’s a strawman of your own making. My rebuttals was that DNC was impartial, and the article I provided already explains how.

                You are mostly arguing with yourself via shoddily applied logical fallacy.

                • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
                  122 days ago

                  I never claimed anything was “rigged”

                  You literally linked to two people saying it was rigged with the link text “they didn’t decide” and are now trying to argue that you never claimed it was rigged. This is amazing. You’ve got yourself so tied up trying to be right or trying not to be wrong, rather than figure out what’s right, that you don’t even know which way’s up anymore.

                  • You literally linked to two people saying it was rigged with the link text “they didn’t decide”

                    Lol, the reason it’s in quotes is because it’s quoting you.

                    This branch of the argument derives from as a response to my original rebuttals. Which was “has the responsibility to remain impartial, and when it doesn’t, it’s not surprising that the candidate they decide deserves to be president loses”

                    You interpreted this as the DNC decided the election. In the article I provided, there is plenty of evidence to prove that the DNC did not remain impartial and chose to meddle the democratic process. You chose to ignore the entirety of the context to fixate on pedantry that furthers you logical fallacy.

                    Again, you don’t even realize you are fighting your own strawman argument.

                    You’ve got yourself so tied up trying to be right or trying not to be wrong, rather than figure out what’s right, that you don’t even know which way’s up anymore.

                    Said the man to the mirror.