I’m thinking about deploying my own instance where I’d be the only user and most probable I won’t have any communities.
The only thing there will be my account to interact with as many other instances as I want.

What would be de pros and cons of having my account like this?
Would it be harder to interact with other instances in some way?

  • Ada
    11 year ago

    @knova You have to search for the remote community and subscribe to it. It will then appear in the list of communities you can choose from when you are composing a new post

    @pe1uca @count0rlok

    • KNova
      11 year ago

      Yes. I see now it’s possible from the post creator. I had no problem subscribing to remote communities, but I did not initially see them in my post creation form. I went back and double checked and of course they were there the entire time 😅