To see everything you need to select all languages (click at top of the list, then shift + click at the bottom). I believe if you select only undetermined you wont see posts with a language specified, but not totally sure.
Lemmy maintainer
To see everything you need to select all languages (click at top of the list, then shift + click at the bottom). I believe if you select only undetermined you wont see posts with a language specified, but not totally sure.
The final api version would probably be in 1.0-beta.0, which will still take a few months. But at this time you can already start to adapt for the major changes like combined endpoints, and give feedback if anything else in the api needs changing.
Yes we always release backend and frontend versions together.
On the other hand it gives an indication to client developers that such big breaking changes wont be a regular occurence. So they have a reason to upgrade and then keep using 1.0 long-term. I believe that practically all the needed breaking changes are already implemented, and remaining issues are mostly new feature requests which can be added as new api endpoints or parameters.
You can enable multiple languages with ctrl + click. And user blocks might be another reason for missing posts.
Its not really what you are looking for, but you could my project Ibis for this. Its a wiki so instead of separate files you could use multiple markdown code blocks. Instead of a whole new project you could possibly implement gists as a custom frontend which converts to markdown for the backend. Note that the project is still in early development, so neither syntax highlighting nor federation with other platforms are available yet.
I am currently working on admin only reports.
Im seeing the same posts in both cases, so its probably related to your account settings. For example user blocks, language settings etc.
I had a look at those communities, the only one which looks out of date is And that instance has federation problems with many other instances, as you can see here under “lagging instances”.
Mainly SEO spam with text copied from other sites and lots of ads/referral links to make the owner a profit. But after thinking about it more, those would be rather easy to filter based on ad code in the HTML.
A much bigger challenge will be the ranking of search results. When searching for a term and there are 100 pages in the index that contain it, which of these pages should be shown first? Google developed the Pagerank when they started out, so that might be a good starting point to research further.
This sounds like a very interesting idea. I agree that Yacy doesnt work, when I checked it out years ago it was a completely bloated mess. Not sure how viable how your idea is, because Im not familiar with webrings, and not sure how the federation will work. Anyway the main challenge for this project will be to actually give useful search results, both early on when there are very few crawlers, and also later once spammers try to abuse it.
Thanks for the recommendation, I might check it out. And I was exaggerating, of course there are good movies thatI havent seen yet, but those are usually from the 90s or earlier, and not so easy to discover. For example I recently watched Lost Horizon and The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938), both excellent despite their age.
Ive never met any person named “Lemmy”, nor seen it in any kind of movie. And the first time I heard about Lemmy the musicion was when I searched for Lemmy the software. For me it mostly sounds similar to cute little lemmings.
Lord of the Rings trilogy, after finishing The little Hobbit last week. Its the first time in years Im reading a book, and the last time I read those books 20 years ago. Its really so much better than the movies, knowing what the characters think or feel. And with so many small, important details which are left out of the movies.
If you dont want to see those type of posts, then you can follow communities which dont include them. And block any instances/communities you dont like so they disappear from /all. You can also create your own community with your own rules, or your own instance. Neither of these things is difficult, they just need time and determination.
Ive been reading Lord of the Rings for some weeks now, and surprisingly it can be so much better than watching a movie. You actually know what the characters are thinking and feeling, instead of watching them from the outside. And there are so many small, important details which get completely glossed over in movies. It doesnt help that most new movies/series are boring, and Ive seemingly already watched every good movie or series in existence. Reading books is great.
Kässpätzle are definitely a hidden gem.
On the other hand Sauerkraut is probably overrated. I like it but it’s not as commonly eaten as you may think.
The Lemmy backend doesnt treat this field as markdown, if you look at the Activitypub data (curl -H "Accept: application/activity+json" | jq
) the title is federated as plaintext. Only lemmy-ui decides to render it as markdown for some reason.
Funny, Mastodon just posted a similar thing about creating a foundation. But the problem is, the existence of a foundation does nothing to prevent billionaires from controlling social media. For billionaires its very easy to donate a few hundred thousand USD to the foundation and gain influence that way. I expect that Bluesky will be fine for the first years (maybe like early Twitter), but sooner or later the foundation will take decisions that the users dont like, and there is nothing they can do about it.
In my view, the only way to avoid influence from billionaires is to avoid any large centralized structures. In the Fediverse there are dozens of platforms and thousands of instances. Even if a billionaire were to take control over a couple of projects or large instances, people would create forks in a matter of days. Some admins would block these corrupted instances, and their users would barely notice that anything changed.
So Bluesky is just trying to repeat something that has already failed. The Fediverse is the future, but it will take a long time for most people to understand that.
We use ! to assign new moderators. But redirecting the community to a different instance sounds wrong, because it is by far the biggest datahoarder community with 7k subscribers (compared to 360 on .world).