This gave me a big belly laugh:

Another Conservative said: “The answer is we need to find a way to appeal to voters we lost to all parties. I don’t know how you do that on policy, but Keir Starmer showed you can do it by looking competent and serious. But I don’t know if any of the candidates we have at the moment can do that.”

    22 months ago

    They lost those guys because those seats couldn’t be won by a more right wing Conservative. But the party went full further right and those voters rejected it. They will not rewin those seats from the right.

      12 months ago

      Agree that going further right is not a winning move. Brexit is the most right wing policy they delivered in 14 years and it tore them apart. If they want to win again in 5 or 10 years then they need to look competent and demonstrate a united front - basically everything Starmer did to become a serious candidate.