Assuming there’s nothing stopping you from legally voting

    84 months ago

    If you’re speaking hyperbolically, sure.

    They are not. If trump wins many people will die. And he will be the new forever king of America.

      24 months ago

      Ok, but LITERALLY, the ballot says Donald Trump or Joe Biden. HYPERBOLICALLY it says fascism or not. Words don’t just mean whatever we want them to mean, and if someone isn’t already on board with Trump = fascism (which, don’t get me wrong, I’m 100% on that boat), phrasing things in pointed, biased ways isn’t going to convince them that we’re the side of reason.

        44 months ago

        phrasing things in pointed, biased ways isn’t going to convince them that we’re the side of reason.

        There is literally no way to reason these people out of the position they didn’t reason themselves into. I’m of the firm belief that we need to be heckling, calling out, and generally being as rude and mean as possible to Nazis. Make the fuckers squirm back into their hole.

          14 months ago

          Read the parent comment that we are under; do they sound like a Nazi to you? I’m not talking about the people that have already made up their mind that they want a Trump presidency, I’m talking about the uninformed, the unaware, the people starting to doubt their resolve, the people unsure their voice matters.

          14 months ago

          There is literally no way to reason these people out of the position they didn’t reason themselves into.

          Regarding this, I recently saw the counterpoint of Santa. Most people never reason themselves into believing in Santa, but they do reason themselves out of it. Obviously there’s cognitive development that happens in between in the Santa case, but a lot of people form their core political beliefs pretty young, so that may be true of politics as well.