• @whenigrowup356@lemmy.world
    121 year ago

    TW: suicidal thoughts

    In uni I was going through pretty bad depression, had broken off a pretty toxic relationship, getting behind on assignments more and more until it was all feeling overwhelming, I wasn’t going out of my apartment much at all and started considering ending it all, but couldn’t quite work myself up to do it.

    For whatever reason i still showed up to one of my classes on project presentation day even though I had absolutely nothing to present. Professor called on me and I just said, “I can’t, nothing prepared” with no eye contact and expected that to be the end of it.

    As I was walking out she made really intense eye contact and asked if everything was ok, anything I wanted to talk about? I was caught off-guard so I hesitated, then waited for everyone to leave. I think all I got out was “I’ve been feeling a little down” or something generic like that. She referred me to campus counseling and I went to a few sessions. It was enough to pull me back from the brink at least.

    tl;dr Professor probably saved my life by not letting me be a faceless ghost when that’s all I felt like.

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