Same shit different language. Fellow atheists are dumb here and need to be reminded and educated. Otherwise they make us all look dumb by association and diminishes the atheist community.
The Koran quite literally says that it’s from the same god you’ve been hearing about from the Jews and Christians. It’s full of passages like “We told you once, and you didn’t listen. We told you twice and you didn’t listen. This time is FOR REAL OR YOU’RE BURNING IN HELL.” I think it’s pretty key to the success of Islam that it doesn’t purport to create a whole new deity. It’s just supposed to be the latest update from the existing one. Just like Christianity doesn’t claim to be a different god than Judaism. I wonder if Jews look at Christians and Muslims the way Christians look at Mormons: these weird fuckers who made up their own bizarre amendments and are now following them.
I think some people are missing what is being said here.
Yaweh is thought to be the name of the Jewish God. The God of Judaism.
Christianity builds on the Jewish tradition ( sort of ). The Old Testament is a collections the Torah and other Jewish writings. So, if the God in the old and new testaments is the same, “the Lord” in the bible is the same God as Yaweh. However, it is important to recognize that Jesus established a “new” covenant with Christians that essentially overrides the Old Testament. The Catholic Church goes even further by making their “catechism” dominant over the entire bible.
Islamic tradition says that Allah revealed his gospel to Jesus, his prophet. So, according to Islam, the God that Jesus believed in was Allah. This makes the Christian God and Allah the same God and therefore Allah and Yahweh are the same.
This last bit requires a bit more explanation though.
Islam believes that Jesus was real and that the gospel was revealed to him. However, Jesus was not himself God. He was just a man ( a prophet ). He was not the most important prophet ( that was Mohammad ).
Islam does not accept the Bible as the word of God. The New Testament is not “the gospel” that was revealed to Jesus. No writings from Jesus himself have survived. About that, I think Christians and Muslims agree.
I believe Islam rejects Jewish writings, including the Old Testament, as just being plain wrong. They are not the teachings of Allah.
So, while “God” is the same being in all three religions, both “the word” and “the tradition” are quite different. So “God” is not really “the same thing” in these religions in most ways.
No, Roman Catholics are a special form of stupid and would not arguably be a legit Abrahamic religion since they incorporated various European polytheistic religious cultures and holidays into a fucking Middle-Eastern cult (Judaism) and called it something new.
If that dude that Jesus is based on was alive today, he would shit on all modern day Catholics for drastically changing Judaism to conform to a European culture.
Yaweh and Allah are the same thing, FYI.
Just pause and think about what you just said 😏
Well, yaweh, god and Allah are basically the same deity.
Same shit different language. Fellow atheists are dumb here and need to be reminded and educated. Otherwise they make us all look dumb by association and diminishes the atheist community.
The Koran quite literally says that it’s from the same god you’ve been hearing about from the Jews and Christians. It’s full of passages like “We told you once, and you didn’t listen. We told you twice and you didn’t listen. This time is FOR REAL OR YOU’RE BURNING IN HELL.” I think it’s pretty key to the success of Islam that it doesn’t purport to create a whole new deity. It’s just supposed to be the latest update from the existing one. Just like Christianity doesn’t claim to be a different god than Judaism. I wonder if Jews look at Christians and Muslims the way Christians look at Mormons: these weird fuckers who made up their own bizarre amendments and are now following them.
@BaroqueInMind @DougHolland both fiction.
“Yaweh and Allah are the same thing, FYI”
I think some people are missing what is being said here.
Yaweh is thought to be the name of the Jewish God. The God of Judaism.
Christianity builds on the Jewish tradition ( sort of ). The Old Testament is a collections the Torah and other Jewish writings. So, if the God in the old and new testaments is the same, “the Lord” in the bible is the same God as Yaweh. However, it is important to recognize that Jesus established a “new” covenant with Christians that essentially overrides the Old Testament. The Catholic Church goes even further by making their “catechism” dominant over the entire bible.
Islamic tradition says that Allah revealed his gospel to Jesus, his prophet. So, according to Islam, the God that Jesus believed in was Allah. This makes the Christian God and Allah the same God and therefore Allah and Yahweh are the same.
This last bit requires a bit more explanation though.
Islam believes that Jesus was real and that the gospel was revealed to him. However, Jesus was not himself God. He was just a man ( a prophet ). He was not the most important prophet ( that was Mohammad ).
Islam does not accept the Bible as the word of God. The New Testament is not “the gospel” that was revealed to Jesus. No writings from Jesus himself have survived. About that, I think Christians and Muslims agree.
I believe Islam rejects Jewish writings, including the Old Testament, as just being plain wrong. They are not the teachings of Allah.
So, while “God” is the same being in all three religions, both “the word” and “the tradition” are quite different. So “God” is not really “the same thing” in these religions in most ways.
So is Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
But it all depends on who you ask.
If you ask me, all gods are the exact same.
No, Roman Catholics are a special form of stupid and would not arguably be a legit Abrahamic religion since they incorporated various European polytheistic religious cultures and holidays into a fucking Middle-Eastern cult (Judaism) and called it something new.
If that dude that Jesus is based on was alive today, he would shit on all modern day Catholics for drastically changing Judaism to conform to a European culture.