• @dudebro@lemmy.world
    41 year ago

    Yeah. It’ll be nice if all the drivel in Hollywood were automated.

    If you think you’re so good at what you do, then you can be what the AI learns from to improve.

    Everyone else? Well, tough tamales. This is what progress looks like and blue collar workers have been feeling it ever since the industrial revolution.

    • @ramble81@lemmy.world
      71 year ago

      You’re just not going to give up this crusade are you? Going to start comparing salaries of line workers to starving kids in Africa again?

        • @TheActualDevil@sffa.community
          51 year ago

          You realize that most actors and writers are barely or not at all paid enough to live. This idea of the rich and famous actor is an edge case that you’re letting become your whole idea of them because they’re exactly that. Famous. But even you have to realize that there are countless others that will be and currently are being affected by the things their striking against. For too many years already writers have been shafted by production companies by hiring them as short term contractors to avoid paying them a fair wage or give them an option for royalties. And when literally everyone in the industry is doing that, then they have no choice if they want to get paid at all.

          And being mad because some high profile rich fuckers are participating is insane. Their participation shows just how important it is. They’ll be fine. They have millions and they’re still out there on the picket line anyway because the things the industry does and wants to make worse is bad for humans. That’s what collective action is about and it’s beautiful.

    • @pinkdrunkenelephants@lemm.ee
      21 year ago

      That’s not what progress looks like, but you do you, fam. We’ll be over here on our new federated sites watching stuff made by actual human beings while Hollywood starves to death as everyone else stops watching that garbage.

      Or we will campaign the federal government to ban the tech outright and your lazy shill ass will have to actually do something useful to make a living.

      • @kmkz_ninja@lemmy.world
        21 year ago

        We’ll be over here on our new federated sites watching stuff made by actual human beings

        slowly puts away stable diffusion community subscriptions

        I, too, got mad at the creation of the personal computer and lobbied congress to ban them because they aren’t as real as my subjective interpretation of reality, work, and honesty.