From Wikipedia

In April 1977 Panthers were key supporters of the 504 Sit-ins, the longest of which was the 25-day occupation of the San Francisco Federal Building by over 120 people with disabilities. Panthers provided daily home-cooked meals in support of the protest’s eventual success, which eventually led to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)thirteen years later.

  • @BaroqueInMind
    1 month ago

    Fun fact: these amazing people are the reason Democrats and many Republicans voted in favor of gun control laws in California. They were racists that feared armed minorities protesting for equity and nipped that in the bud.

    Now it’s us Leftists holding our unarmed dicks in our hands while armed Christofascist Republicans are trying to take over the government, while we finger waggle at them and hope the racist cops are on our side since none of us have enough guns to counter their deterrence efforts.

      41 month ago

      police reform would help everyone.

      The only thing police “reform” has ever helped has been the police and the capitalists they protect.