Is like they asked a 8 year old who watched transformers to name them plus drawing the logos. Especially in NBA and NFL.

Also the idea of a city “buying a team” from another state blows my mind… Imagine if that was a thing in Europe, Chelsea FC, in Newcastle or Bayern München in Hamburg. Barcelona FC In Madrid… That would cause a riot lol

  • Morcyphr
    8 months ago

    What a weird thing to be bothered by; Americans are so… shuffles deck…dumb with sports team names. I’ve seen quite a few like this lately, it’s kinda funny.

    Anyway, I’ll admit there are some dumb names, especially in semi pro but how can you argue names like Raiders, Patriots, Eagles, 76ers, 49ers, Rangers, Trailblazers, etc. My personal stupid favorites are the Lakers (as in bodies of water) from Los Angeles, they moved from Minneapolis in the 60s and then the Utah Jazz, um Utah…Jazz? Yeah, they moved from New Orleans in the 70s. You’d be hard pressed to find any natural lakes in LA and I’d guess the jazz scene in Utah is underwhelming (never been there myself).

    US cities don’t buy teams. Rich fucks do and move them to what they presume to be a more profitable and/or friendly market.

    What’s hilarious to me about US sports is the soccer (yes, in the US it’s called soccer, I don’t make the rules) teams trying so hard to act like they’re European teams. Cmon folks, you aren’t an FC, you’re an SC.