A man taking his trash to an apartment dumpster was shot and killed after he slipped while walking and the gun he was carrying went off accidentally, according to San Antonio police.

  • @BaroqueInMind
    1 month ago

    The state doesn’t own arms for a militia. Look up the fucking definition of a militia. They are ran by civilians and are not an official military organization (they are paramilitary), but can still be leveraged by state governors.

    The state already funds for arms separately for their state National Guard using public tax money funded by the local tax payer, and mandate training on them. They don’t care if a militia doesn’t hold regular training, as long as they are capable of taking orders from the governor and can maneuver in an organized manner.

    Militias are necessary for when the feds leverage their militarized entities to supplant democratic process.

    You are a dipshit that needs to work on reading comprehension instead of non-sequiturs to grasp a “win” in this argument.

    Also, you didn’t answer my question, so I assume you don’t know what the fuck you are talking about and everyone here should simply ignore you.

      • @BaroqueInMind
        1 month ago

        Black people and women aren’t mentioned in the Constitution either you fucking moron. We had to fight fuckheads like you to finally give them the rights they deserve. You want to follow it literally? Go back to your shithole trailer you MAGA inbred fuck.

      • @BaroqueInMind
        21 month ago

        I guess I’ll have to say this again:

        You are a dipshit that needs to work on reading comprehension instead of non-sequiturs to grasp a “win” in this argument.

        Scroll the fuck up and read what I asked and come back with an answer instead of wasting everyone’s time.

      • @BaroqueInMind
        21 month ago

        Ok Ill read the edits and get back to you with a rebuke or agreement.

          • @BaroqueInMind
            21 month ago

            Okay so I read some of your edits and I see many holes in your arguments about not allowing everyone to own guns.

            That being said, I cannot deny that societies that have restricted firearms ownership across the board have less homicides.

            The factor that no one considers is that those societies are mostly homogenous, whereas the USA is not only more diverse than all countries combined, it’s also difficult to secure due to the size. Pandora’s box was opened long ago and it’s too fucking late to disarm the entire population.