A lot of privacy guides suggest avoiding Telegram. I understand that in its default mode there’s no E2EE (and no E2EE for groups at all). If people I know don’t wanttko use Signal, isn’t Telegram the lesser evil given it’s nicer privacy policy (than other popular ones)?

Say I use the FOSS version of it.

  • @randomTingler@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    My account was compromised once, though I have 2FA enabled. I assume that I was accessing my account from a browser on a windows pc, it had virus but not 100% sure. Someone was able to access it, change my name send multiple crypto related links to users in bulk.

    It contained years of chat history with my wife. I was able to recover the account. But I deleted all the chat history.

    I still use it to get alerts from various automated scripts I use, mostly for the bots with free API access. No personal data go in there.

    The mistake might be from my side. But if someone takes over your account, you lose everything.

    • @Scolding7300@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      I was afraid of that outcome and went for the auto-delete option, some groups have just a few days in terms of retention.

      I’m sorry you had to go through this though.