Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux looks at the polling regarding Trump’s indictment and offers analysis on the political and cultural risks. Ultimately, even if Biden manages to avoid accusations of political retribution (which, ironically, Trump has been loudly promising), Republican voters are likely to accuse the US courts of partisans prosecution and undermine public trust the same way they’ve done to science. It appears to be a no-win situation.

In my opinion, when there’s no way to win we should go for the high ground. Prosecute and, if the evidence justifies it, convict the man. We should at least return to the precedent that we’re a nation of laws, not men. We should always hold people accountable regardless of who they are and what influence they might hold.

  • @joeygibson
    31 year ago

    MAGA cultist will. Sane people will not.