• fades
    1 year ago

    Yes YTM most certainly has value of its own, just different use-cases for the two.

    If you took my comment to mean you should switch, then I worded it poorly. Use what makes the most sense for what you want out of the service!

    Edit: I actually just saw that YT is changing their pricing for premium as well:

    To continue delivering great service and features, we are increasing the Premium plan price to $13.99/month. As a long-standing and valued member, you are currently paying a lower rate for Premium than the rate available to new subscribers. To show our appreciation for your loyalty, we’re giving you at least three extra months at our current pricing…

    louis rossman video about YouTube pricing changes (skip to 5:20)

    • Irina
      31 year ago

      I haven’t seen any email from them yet, either it hasn’t effected Family Plan pricing or it’s a US specific change.