I’ve got a 2.9 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i9 Macbook Pro (yes, the one with the touchbar and the keyboard nobody likes)…

Anyway, it’s been working great, aside from this issue which seems to happen on occasion, when I don’t keep it plugged in overnight. It will just drain real fast sometimes.

What causes batteries to just drain over the course of an hour or so?

  • DoctorNope
    3 months ago

    The “service recommended” state of the battery aside, I would start by using the Activity Monitor to see if there’s something using a lot of power: open Finder, click Applications, open the Utilities folder, and open Activity Monitor. Click the Energy tab at the top, then click the “12-Hour Power” heading to sort by that column. That will show you a relative measure of what’s used the most power recently. Is there an entry in the list that is much higher than others?