Day 14: Restroom Redoubt

Megathread guidelines

  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
  • You can send code in code blocks by using three backticks, the code, and then three backticks or use something such as if you prefer sending it through a URL


  • janAkali
    3 months ago


    Part 1: there’s no need to simulate each step, final position for each robot is
    (position + velocity * iterations) modulo grid
    Part 2: I solved it interactively: Maybe I just got lucky, but my input has certain pattern: after 99th iteration every 101st iteration looking very different from other. I printed first couple hundred iterations, noticed a pattern and started looking only at “interesting” grids. It took 7371 iterations (I only had to check 72 manually) to reach an easter egg.

      Vec2 = tuple[x,y: int]
      Robot = object
        pos, vel: Vec2
      GridRows = 101
      GridCols = 103
    proc examine(robots: seq[Robot]) =
      for y in 0..<GridCols:
        for x in 0..<GridRows:
          let c = robots.countIt(it.pos == (x, y))
          stdout.write if c == 0: '.' else: char('0'.ord + c)
        stdout.write '\n'
    proc solve(input: string): AOCSolution[int, int] =
      var robots: seq[Robot]
      for line in input.splitLines():
        let parts = line.split({' ',',','='})
        robots.add Robot(pos: (parts[1].parseInt,parts[2].parseInt),
                         vel: (parts[4].parseInt,parts[5].parseInt))
      block p1:
        var quads: array[4, int]
        for robot in robots:
            newX = (robot.pos.x + robot.vel.x * 100).euclmod GridRows
            newY = (robot.pos.y + robot.vel.y * 100).euclmod GridCols
            relRow = cmp(newX, GridRows div 2)
            relCol = cmp(newY, GridCols div 2)
          if relRow == 0 or relCol == 0: continue
          inc quads[int(relCol>0)*2 + int(relRow>0)]
        result.part1 = quads.foldl(a*b)
      block p2:
        if GridRows != 101: break p2
        var interesting = 99
        var interval = 101
        var i = 0
        while true:
          for robot in robots.mitems:
            robot.pos.x = (robot.pos.x + robot.vel.x).euclmod GridRows
            robot.pos.y = (robot.pos.y + robot.vel.y).euclmod GridCols
          inc i
          if i == interesting:
            echo "Iteration #", i, "; Do you see an xmas tree?[N/y]"
            if stdin.readLine().normalize() == "y":
              result.part2 = i
            interesting += interval

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