I used to read alot devouring books on the bus to school/work (almost like the movement help my dyslexia 😂) but recently I have been struggling to get into books having not been able to get past the first few chapters. Do yous have tips or methods for when you’re in a bit of a reading funk?

  • @okiegirl22@beehaw.org
    81 year ago

    I try to pick up something that will be a quick, easy read that won’t take much brainpower or reread something I really enjoyed.

    • KamiroseM
      51 year ago

      Yeah, simpler YA or middle-grade books are great for getting out of a reading slump. Great, easily digestible storylines.

    • @oofinsprouts@beehaw.org
      21 year ago

      Totally agree - Terry Pratchett is my go-to quick/easy read. In fact, I just finished Wheel of Time last month, and I’m using Small Gods as my palate cleanser.