There’s a thread about how people find new books, and one of my favorite ways to find things to read was browsing comments from the weekly ‘What are you reading’ threads in r/truelit and r/books. So what is Lemmy reading?

I’m finishing The Passenger, and about to jump into John Williams’ Stoner. Excited to see what is next!

    21 year ago

    I’m reading count zero by Willson Gibson. Its the sequel to neuromancer and so far it’s pretty different. A whole different vibe, I’m not sure if I like it yet.

    • @Ever
      21 year ago

      I felt the same, like the Sprawl trilogy was really two close but different works (1 + 2&3) smashed into one. Personally, while I liked Count Zero, and despite the close ties, it’s Mona Lisa Overdrive that I had the most difficult time to finish.