• Little1Lost
    411 months ago

    Spock is only a pointy ear because it was cheaper that a full green suit when i remember correctly. Like teleporting got only invented because the parts for the shuttle did not arrive early enough or where to expensive, something like that.

    • @empireOfLove
      411 months ago

      The Original Series was stared in 1966. There was no green screen to for a green suit and almost all character design was… very simplistic and low budget across all TV. Just look at TOS Klingons as an example lol

      • Little1Lost
        411 months ago

        Yea, as the DS9 Crew did go back in time worf was asked why they looked so different and his reaction was simply: we dont talk about it ^^
        I think they have a somewhat explaination in one of the newer series where soong had some stronger klingons that looked human like and that this “visual softening” carried over to others