Ive been trying some indie developed games this past year, more than ever and I’m in awe what lone devs or small teams can accomplish.

So, what are some games that you think don’t have the recognition they deserve, need a bigger audience or you would like the community to try.

I myself for example have played Monster Sanctuary, which at this point I think is not that hidden anymore and played a rougelike game called Elona, haven’t played RimWorld or Dwarf Fortress but I might in the future.

Sorry if a similar post already exists haven’t checked.

  • Rekkar
    21 year ago

    I played the hell out of Slipways

    Their slogan “Build vast trade empires, still be done in time for lunch” is on point here. You connect planets with different resources and different industries to an interconnected network in a (turnbased) race against the clock. Easy to learn and always great fun to cram into a 30min slot in your day.

    • ReCursing
      21 year ago

      Sounds like fun, added to my wishlist, partly waiting for a sale, partly waiting for time to play it

    • mabd
      11 year ago

      I came here to recommend this one. Fantastic game, very unique.

    • SeytouxOP
      11 year ago

      Sounds really interesting, reminds me of an old Star Wars game that I enjoyed years ago, thanks!

    • LordlyCalibur
      11 year ago

      This looks really good, great recommendation. I would love to see this on a handheld device.