Covid, WFH, Musk, The fall of Twitter, Netflix plateau, Reddit Blackout, Crippling interest rates, Trump, Decentralisation, Tech Antitrust, Ukraine

Adding in Edit: AI, Climate Crisis, Nazis, Fascism, Democratic backsliding, automation, mass unemployment, rising homelessness, wild fires

How are you feeling these days?

We sure do live in interesting times

    161 year ago

    At this point we should have a “We Didn’t Start The Fire” parody for all the nonsense that’s happend over the last 3 years. Feels loke the Roaring 20s, but just more cbaotic and socially conscious.

    All I’m trying to do is just find myself and enjoy life, and I’m a little anxious to see where we end up. Hopefully it’s somewhere where we come out better as a society.