• HawkMan
    61 year ago

    except we need Microsoft to get bigger to stop Sony from being a dominating monopoly.

    • GreenAlex
      51 year ago

      Sony buying everything is just as much a problem as MS doing it. I think the main difference is that they’ve stayed under the radar by doing smaller purchases, but I want someone to push the brakes on them equally as much.

    • @KaiserFill@lemmy.studio
      21 year ago

      Microsoft can do that by actually competing. Throwing money around solely to take things away from people who don’t buy their products to entrench themselves in the market is anti-competitive. Allowing that sort of thing means any behemoth can come and muscle their way into any market they want to. This is a bad future.

          • HawkMan
            11 year ago

            and steam

            And windows isn’t a platform that benefits them in that way anyway.

            Sony still does not

      • @tiltmachine@compuverse.uk
        11 year ago

        Throwing money around solely to take things away from people, like Sony does? So it’s fine if it’s small enough and affects less people (Xbox users)? Or the other illogical line of thought of “they’re both not okay but don’t let them do what the smaller guy who controls more of the market does”.

        Microsoft is only bigger because Xbox isn’t separate, they’re not even second biggest after the purchased.