I imagine there’s excitement for the increase of activity but worries about the potential toxic side of Reddit coming along too.

I’d especially be interested in the Lemmy devs’ opinions.

  • @General_Butt_Naked@lemmy.ml
    71 year ago

    Hopefully it’s moderated much less. Don’t see how it wouldn’t be since it would probably take more effort. The excessive, special interest driven moderation is what really killed reddit long before this api issue.

    • Grander
      91 year ago

      Mods should have never been allowed to moderate more than like 3 subs at most.

      • @JasSmith@lemmy.ml
        91 year ago

        I agree. “Powermods” became a thing 10 years ago and it’s been terrible for the site. Advertising companies pay teams of people to ensure subreddits remain advertiser friendly, and friendly to their portfolio of products. Reddit tolerates this because those moderators are free labour, keep the site clean, and post lots of “content.” I’m hopeful that, if Lemmy takes off, federation will allow us to wall off obvious cases of abuse without administrators stepping in, as they have done again, and again, and again on Reddit.