This isn’t actually news to anyone who has been paying attention, but it’s nice to have it confirmed out in the open.

  • Quit_this_instance
    31 year ago

    It’s not even respect. They’ve just realized it doesn’t matter if they admit it. We have no choice and our governments have made it abundantly clear who they’re here for now. There was a time when it was less entrenched and they had to keep up appearances, and then a longer time when they probably didn’t have to lie but did it out of habit.

    We’re basically back to robber barons now, they’re just feeling out the landscape to see what else they can claw away.

      41 year ago

      Maybe we should take time collectively as a society to look back to what our ancestors did to push back against the robber barrons. Wait workers rights and socialism?!

      “That’s socialism we can’t have that.”

      The last 100 years of indoctrinative mainstream education and Western countries.