So, are Apple operating systems actually considerably better in terms of privacy? I’ve been considering making the switch for both privacy and security reasons, but I’m not really sure it’s worth the cost and hassle. I’m currently on an iPhone (recently switched because I had a Pixel 7 with… issues, but that’s longer story) and I’m trying to decide if it’s worth it to fully switch over to the Apple ecosystem.

  • GoobOP
    41 year ago

    Wow, I wasn’t aware of the Google stuff. Can’t say it’s terribly surprising though. Have you used any of the Proton suite? I’ve been considering switching to them from Gmail and OneDrive.

    • Semmelstulle
      31 year ago

      Yes, ProtonMail is really good, I just missed the desktop bridge. It is a reality now but it’s not part of the free tier. I can’t really complain about them except for the icon design. They do not feel at home on iOS haha
      I just have to confess I still use my outlook mail as my main because there is so much legacy stuff connected to it like Xbox games, Minecraft, two movies,… But I use Anon Addy to alias it most of the time. That’s why I can’t really give you a better impression about the Proton suite

      1 year ago

      I think the proton he refers to is the proton compatibility layer developed by valve.

      But I personally haven’t switched to protonmail because they require Google to work on Android, which is surprising for a privacy company. On the other hand, Megasync also requires Google to work.

      Tutanota don’t, but I cannot use them in thunderbird.