It’s always good to be in control of your own content sources.

    1 year ago

    It’s in there if you inspect the source of the page.

    Alternatively, feedly is able to detect and parse it, you only have to provide it the URL to the channel.

    If you then don’t want to use feedly, you can export your subscriptions as a opml file, and import them in another reader.

    A bit of a convoluted solution, if you don’t want to inspect the source.

    • @sin_free_for_00_days
      1 year ago

      I was able to write a quick hacky one liner to parse the source and paste the rssUrl into my reader. It didn’t take as long as I was expecting to get the 30-40 channels into my rss reader. I think my previous issue was the rss reader I was using didn’t like something about the format. RSS Guard didn’t have an issue with it. Thanks.

      Edit: I can’t believe I didn’t do this earlier. newsboat has Vim keybindings and the interface reminds me a lot of mutt. Clear videos through mpv with zero ads. I’m in heaven right now. I haven’t looked at RSS in at least a decade.