• Rentlar
    81 year ago

    The “other side” (Democrats) are still picking your pockets and laughing with rich buddies, but they aren’t for letting children go hungry, get married early and work for minimum wage in all their free time. All the while getting upset at rainbows and whatever the scapegoat of the week is.

      • We’ve been trying to vote and vote for decades, haven’t we? When’s it gonna work out? How do we make sure it’s not too late for a lot of people by then, and/or too late to deal with climate change by then? ~Cherri

            • It is working out, if I am not mistaken, each setback the republicans suffer slows them down in making the US more awful, it is just hard to notice. The political system is trapped in a two-paty-system where both parties are corporate puppets. Without a new Ross Perrot there is no hope of changing that.

                • Unless:

                  1. A politician shows up that can actually change course.
                  2. Enough folks vote to put a halt to this and perhaps even reverse it. Delaying it might be a first step.
                  3. Protests put enough pressure on them to stop.

                  Civil rights movements have been succesful in the past, and letting it slip is just a waste.