• This kind of conjecture is harmful. Calling him unelectable is harmful.

    This is hyperbole. Its more important to get things right than to engage is histrionics. He’s not electable because he ran in an election and couldn’t get elected. That makes him objectively UN-electable.

    2016 falls completely on the back of the Democrats by forcing through a candidate who was also, objectively, un-electable. She had lost her previous bid at a national election to Barrack Obama.

    The definition of unelectible means that they can not win an election. Donald Trump meets this definition.

    • iAmTheTot
      91 year ago

      That makes no fucking sense. “both had unelectable candidates, so one won over the other” uhhhh not unelectable then. Donald Trump does not meet that definition because he won a fucking election.

      • That makes no fucking sense. “both had unelectable candidates, so one won over the other” uhhhh not unelectable then. Donald Trump does not meet that definition because he won a fucking election.

        Bro, can you even follow a simple series of statements? Trump wasn’t unelectable in 2016. He was an unknown. He hadn’t lost an election. Hillary had. Try and keep up.

        He’s now lost an election. He is coming off a L into an election. That makes him less than electable, because he did not win his previous election; as in he a loser, a failure.