• We’ve been trying to vote and vote for decades, haven’t we? When’s it gonna work out? How do we make sure it’s not too late for a lot of people by then, and/or too late to deal with climate change by then? ~Cherri

          • It is working out, if I am not mistaken, each setback the republicans suffer slows them down in making the US more awful, it is just hard to notice. The political system is trapped in a two-paty-system where both parties are corporate puppets. Without a new Ross Perrot there is no hope of changing that.

              • Unless:

                1. A politician shows up that can actually change course.
                2. Enough folks vote to put a halt to this and perhaps even reverse it. Delaying it might be a first step.
                3. Protests put enough pressure on them to stop.

                Civil rights movements have been succesful in the past, and letting it slip is just a waste.