This presents a serious development and conflict that needs to be addressed.

    410 months ago

    Yeah, you pretty defined the one acronym which is already defined in the text… Meanwhile I’m sitting here wondering what the hell is UAP. United Arab Patrolmen? Uniform Afghan Police? Unassisted Analysis Paradigm? Ah, I got it: Unknown Acronym Poster.

    • chingadera
      110 months ago

      Just saw this, that’s on me. I made the assumption people knew it as it’s frequently used with the topic. UAP was Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon, but was recently changed officially to Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon to broaden the scope of things that could fit into the area of study. Another reason is that some agencies were dodging the law that requires reporting given the definition was specific to things in the air, and not space or water.