First of all, happy to see there’s a Gridcoin community here :)

Anyone running BOINC on Ubuntu 22.04? I have been running it on Linux for probably 5+ years without issue, but it seems there is a problem running on 22.04 and beyond.

  • internet-userOP
    11 year ago

    I am using the official repos. I tried their installer as well as the package on the Discover Software Store. The manager just doesn’t show up, and sometimes it affects my graphics (makes it low res all of a sudden). I think my best bet is to make a VM and maybe do some GPU pass through if I feel like crunching with GPU

    • @empireOfLove
      11 year ago


      It wrecking your X server/graphics driver (making monitor go low res) is a bit suspicious. What gpu do you have and what driver stack is installed?

      • internet-userOP
        11 year ago

        AMD RX 7800 with the baked in drivers. I’ve tried the Amdpro drivers as well. The only way I can get the manager to run is calling it with sudo from CLI. Trying to start from the menu yields nothing :/ I just setup my VM and started crunching world community grid, so at least I’m back in it for now