First of all, happy to see there’s a Gridcoin community here :)

Anyone running BOINC on Ubuntu 22.04? I have been running it on Linux for probably 5+ years without issue, but it seems there is a problem running on 22.04 and beyond.

  • @empireOfLove
    11 year ago


    It wrecking your X server/graphics driver (making monitor go low res) is a bit suspicious. What gpu do you have and what driver stack is installed?

    • internet-userOP
      11 year ago

      AMD RX 7800 with the baked in drivers. I’ve tried the Amdpro drivers as well. The only way I can get the manager to run is calling it with sudo from CLI. Trying to start from the menu yields nothing :/ I just setup my VM and started crunching world community grid, so at least I’m back in it for now