For me it was definitely DOOM 2! Miles ahead of anything else I had played before.

    • Drewski
      21 year ago

      Yeah, Wolfenstein 3d and DOOM were great but Duke 3D was some next level shit. Being able to take a leak at the urinal was so cool.

    • poo
      21 year ago

      One of my most nostalgic games! I replay it yearly - the ambient sound effects and drone and atmosphere is incredible - the space levels have a creepy feeling despite the comedic tone it often goes for.

    • icy_mal
      11 year ago

      I remember getting my first 2 computers connected over 10base2 LAN with T connectors and terminators and all that stuff just so me and my brother could play duke nukem 3d. It was awesome. I also remember one of the computers could barely run it and then only if shrinking the screen down. If more than 3 laser trip bombs went off at once… instant slideshow.

    • Bipta
      11 year ago

      Hell, Duke Nukem 2 was pretty amazing even.