Their post announcing it, has comments disabled. I have been going on reddit looking for polls to vote “yes” to continue to participate in the blackout. This was kind of a bummer.

Edit: Looking at the mods most recent post, they’re still putting up a fight! And all new posts have 0 upvotes and I can’t see comments from RiF anyway. Can anyone else see anything from other reddit apps?

  • Sertou
    191 year ago

    According to Reddark this morning more than half of all subreddits are still dark, so I wouldn’t call the protest done. It’s still having a substantial impact.

    • loocha
      11 year ago

      To clarify, reddark is not showing all subreddits, just subreddits that committed to going dark. There’s greater than 100k active subreddits.

      01 year ago

      Big subs like r/funny coming back online is a big deal though. Plus the general sentiment in the comments has seemingly shifted away from “fuck Reddit” to “fuck the mods” which is exactly what the admins want.

      • Lells
        11 year ago

        But all the people who actually provide good content and care about reddit being good have been alienated, so the people that are left in for a fun surprise. Hey, why isn’t anybody posting good content anymore? But, but… but… I’m entitled to good content… what do you mean I actually have to participate?