Republican men seem massively troubled about their masculinity — and that’s literally causing death and suffering

  • Yes we have self ownership but i would also want my family and friends to stop me if i got irrational for a moment and tried to burn down my house. I do believe we should have a right to euthanasia but if im not terminally ill i absolutely want my family to stop my from committing suicide in a moment of desperation.

    • That’s your choice, sure, but not everyone’s, and forcing people to live is very, very much worse than death. I’ve witnessed it happen for myself. All suicide prevention is is denying someone else their autonomy, self-ownership, and rights so you can make yourself feel better. Even in crisis, people do not lose their rights.

      • Yes euthanasia is very logical, but allowing people to kill themselves in a moment of desperation is not. Sure, if there’s an argument that perpetual depression is a good reason for euthanasia, i buy that.

        But letting someone kill themselves because they got really drunk and really sad one night, for example is not “respecting self autonomy.”