Hi, I have set up my neovim config listchars like so:
vim.opt.listchars = { tab = "│ ", trail = "·", precedes = "<", extends = ">", nbsp = "○" }
But for empty lines between the indentations there are these awful holes left.
I used to use intent-blankline.nvim but I want to try to tone down my plugin usage, and I pretty much used it only to fix this issue, could somebody help me?
This is Neovim specific, not Vim. I haven’t looked at Neovim in a couple years. What else is in your config? According to the git directions, it looks like you should have:
require("indent_blankline").setup { show_end_of_line = true, }
in there. Again, I don’t run Neovim, so I can’t test it out.