I can relate… If it is worth doing, it must be done 100% right, first try, zero margin for error, no rehearsals, no practise round.

Like rocket science!

(Except I know that’s not how rocket science is done, either, but somehow that thought refuses to sink in)

  • @cybermass@lemmy.ca
    311 months ago

    That makes less than no sense in art, my brain can’t even imagine how that would work.

    • DessertStorms
      311 months ago

      this was over a decade ago but I can’t lie, this validation that their structure was the problem not me is fantastic lol

      It was so frustrating at the time and no matter how I tried explaining why I couldn’t comply or how ridiculous the idea was in the first place, no one would listen (and I would get told off for being “argumentative”).
      Honestly… 🤦‍♀️