Since its inception, Microsoft Excel has changed how people organize, analyze, and visualize their data, providing a basis for decision-making for the flying billionaires heads up in the clouds who don’t give a fuck for life offtheline

  • Sure, but it happens once. So as long as Python saves you more than the half second or so round trip, it’ll be preferable.

    I’d prefer it to be embedded, but I can absolutely see it being useful even if it’s cloud-only.

    • AatubeOP
      110 months ago

      Wouldn’t it need to send to the cloud and back every time you change one of the cells the script is depending on?

      • Yup, most likely. I’m saying the total calculation w/ Excel formulas is often greater than that round trip + computation time w/ Python. Excel formulas are pretty slow.

        • AatubeOP
          110 months ago

          I haven’t seen how they were slower than just python.

          • Think huge formulas. I’ve seen formulas take minutes in Excel, but seconds when implemented better in a script. If you haven’t worked with massive formulas, you’re not the target market here.

            Another application is accessing external APIs that don’t have internal support. If you’re accessing an external API, you’re already paying a network overhead cost, so adding another isn’t going to matter much.