Fifa has suspended Spanish FA president Luis Rubiales from all football-related activities following his conduct at the Women’s World Cup final in Sydney

    1071 year ago

    Let’s not sugar coat this. It wasn’t a kiss, it was sexual assault. Don’t let these twats get away with this bullshit.

    • Isn’t that going a little far? Not defending the guy, it’s gross and super inappropriate. But a simple kiss is hardly sexual. Basically every child ever is kissed against their will by older relatives and nobody bats an eye.

      Fire the guy, ban him from football for life, but does he need to be arrested? He’s not going around groping strangers. He just apparently does gross, stupid shit when he’s excited.

        561 year ago

        Nope. It’s not going too far. You go ahead and randomly kiss a coworker or subordinate at your place of work in front of everybody to include customers. Let me know how quickly HR wants you in their office.

      • Well, let’s see how exactly it is that you feel when a man in a position of authority over you grabs you by the head and kisses you against your will. And I will have you know that neither of my children have ever been made to accept affection that they did not want because I learned from my upbringing, I didn’t just parrot it.

            • legal definition

              For what jurisdiction? There’s not one legal definition. Every country, and every state in the US, has their own definitions.

              My state, for example, defines it as (paraphrasing) unwanted contact with intimate areas for the purpose of sexual gratification or humiliation, or to intentionally harm. It’s a bit subjective and open to interpretation, but there’s no way anyone would get convicted under this statute for a short, closed-mouth celebratory kiss.

              Again, it’s assault, and it’s gross and inappropriate, but it doesn’t meet all the elements of sexual assault.

      • jorge
        311 year ago

        Fire the guy, ban him from football for life, but does he need to be arrested?

        It is not up to you to decide. The Spanish law is pretty clear in this respect, and a non-consensual kiss is explicitly defined as sexual assault, period. And this is a very recent law that has been widely discussed and reported in media, so there is no chance that he didn’t know the legal consequences of his acts. He simply believed that his position of power would be enough to evade the legal consequences.

        • Please show me where Spanish criminal code defines what constitutes a kiss.

          The law doesn’t even define sexual assault beyond “unwanted sexual conduct”. And again, a kiss is not inherently sexual.

          Calling this sexual assault doesn’t help anyone, and actively harms victims of actual sexual violence.

          • 𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒏
            171 year ago

            You should join Luis Rubiales’ defense 🤷‍♂️

            Calling this sexual assault doesn’t help anyone, and actively harms victims of actual sexual violence.

            How so? This kind of argument doesn’t make sense to me - robbing a house is robbery, robbing a bank is still robbery. Unaliving an individual with a knife is murder, and unaliving an invididual by dangerous driving is still murder.

            Each crime is looked at on a case by case basis in an ideal scenario - having the definition of one thing the same as another can not inherently harm victims affected by a higher severity of an identically named crime IMO

              • 𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒏
                121 year ago

                I’ll take the bait because why not 🤭

                Sexual assault is not just rape, that kind of thinking is really narrow minded in my opinion. The definition varies depending on where you live - this can include groping, slapping another’s bottom, ogling, catcalling, rape, and more.

                Being excited isn’t a valid reason to cross someone’s personal boundaries IMO. There is never a valid reason to cross someone’s boundaries unless you’re exempt, on those kind of friendly terms with them

        271 year ago

        I actually don’t let anybody kiss my kids without permission, even relatives. Your body belongs to you alone and you don’t owe anyone a kiss. It shouldn’t be normal IMO.

          61 year ago

          My three year old niece is in her choice phase. Every time I’ve seen her in the last six months, I ask for a hug and she smiles and says “noooooo!” Then rushes to give my wife a hug. I just let it go because she’s said no and that means no. Then usually later in the day she’ll pop around and give me a huge hug then. I’m hoping that means she learns that no means no, so when a boy later on tries to make it a “yes” she’ll make him understand it really does mean no.

        1 year ago

        Basically every child ever is kissed against their will by older relatives and nobody bats an eye.

        That is also assault, and the attitude that it’s ok because the victims are too young to understand bodily autonomy is disgusting regardless of how widespread it is.

        • Did I say it was ok? That’s gross and inappropriate in my opinion, too. But it still happens and nobody cares. And yeah, it could be considered assault. But it’s not sexual.

        171 year ago

        He did not only kiss her - he also made remarks that he was gonna marry her next year in Ibiza and if I remember right something about a wedding night…

        It was a sexual assault.

        And btw: Kids should never be kissed against their will and it is not okay when older relatives do that. AT ALL

        111 year ago

        This happened in my country and would be absolutely considered sexual assault by state laws. So whatever your feelings are on the matter, the fact of reality is that it’s sexual assault.

        61 year ago

        I bat an eye. I think it’s creepy as fuck when adults don’t respect children’s personal space