The last few posts made here, they’ve shown up, made the most inane, idiotic, and pointless comments, upvoted each other in a frenzy of circle jerking, and generally made a pest of themselves.

They’re a nuisance, and add nothing of value to the Lemmy experience.

  • liv
    1 year ago


    Hi, not trying to start a fight but thought you might be interested; “kangaroo” has no relevance here.

    It’s ka-nga: “ka” - like the English word “car” but without the R - and “nga” which also rhymes with car and has a soft g like in the English word “sing”, not a hard g like in “kangaroo.”

    Nga might be a bit harder for you, but all kiwis know how to pronounce it, it’s the nga in common names like Ngaire and Ngati and “Tutira Mai Nga Iwi”.