Sorry for the short post, I’m not able to make it nice with full context at the moment, but I want to quickly get this announcement out to prevent confusion:

Unfortunately, people are uploading child sexual abuse images on some instances (apparently as a form of attack against Lemmy). I am taking some steps to prevent such content from making it onto servers. As one preventative measure, I am disabling all image uploads on until further notice - this is to ensure that can not be used as gateway to spread CSAM into the network.

It will not possible to upload any new avatars or banners while this limit is in effect.

I’m really sorry for the disruption, it’s a necessary trade-off for now until we figure out the way forward.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      10 months ago

      List within the study and the classifications:

      If this image doesn’t display for you(because of the attacks) let me know and I’ll find some other way to share it.

      Here’s an image of how the comparison shakes up:

        110 months ago

        Well, your article was from 1986, and this image lists the USSR… please, 2023 successful communist countries. List, text.

        • Awoo [she/her]
          10 months ago

          I am 100% certain that if you compared socialist countries today you would get the same result.

          This is extremely obvious when you consider that despite obviously lower levels of development in countries like China, Cuba and Vietnam have higher life expectancy than America.

          Not to mention that 21% of america is illiterate whereas literacy in socialist countries is consistently the highest in the world.

          Any person doing even the most limited of critical thought about healthcare access, education and life expectancy can understand that socialist countries today would come out on top when compared to their capitalist counterparts that sit at the same level of development.

          The fact that you just dismiss it with the USSR present in the data is odd. You are aware that rent in the USSR was 5% of your total income correct? I think your perspective and understanding of how people lived is not in line with reality, your confusion about this data is because you have fully bought into propaganda instead of getting a proper and measured idea about things. You are not immune to propaganda.

            110 months ago

            Life expectancy is your way to determine successful?

            I’m not sure i’d really consider any of those places a good place to live. China is pretty crazy and jails people for talking about Winnie the Pooh. Is that your idea of government?

            Cuba and Vietnam also have lower life expectancy than the US.


            Look at Hong Kong kicking ass at #1 though. (Not exactly communist with all that love for the free market)

            I think your info might be a bit out of date at this point.

            But thanks for the chat.

            • Awoo [she/her]
              10 months ago

              Using wikipedia is dogshit, stop using it.

              The World Bank data is here, which is the same data used in the study:

              The actual current data is:

              USA: 77.28

              Cuba: 77.57

              Vietnam: 75.38

              China: 78.08

              Look at Hong Kong kicking ass at #1 though.

              Hong Kong is not a country, it is a city in China. Individual cities are not good examples of life expectancy when life expectancy of cities typically outperforms life expectancy of rural regions due to quicker access to life-saving medical facilities afforded by density. This is why you really shouldn’t rely on Wikipedia for your understanding of anything. You should go to primary sources yourself instead of allowing editors to curate and present information for you.

              I think your info might be a bit out of date at this point.


                210 months ago


                403 - Forbidden: Access is denied. You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.

                I don’t get the irony. Your data is either not found or decades old. Then you shut down Wikipedia, which has sources cited.

                I can make an image to display whatever info I want. Your sources are poor, or biased.