Linux has a very different file-structure, which is the way your files are organized on a system. It’s a bit weird at first, but once you get used to it makes a lot of sense. A second drive can often be found at /mnt/DRIVENAME or /media/DRIVENAME. But they show up in the file manager in a list anyhow.
That’s for mounting, yeah, but when it comes to interacting with the hardware, Linux itself uses letters for some types of devices. For example, serial-connected ones (e.g. SATA internal drives, USB external drives) are /dev/sdx (x being a letter from A-Z). I don’t know what happens when all letters are used up though, maybe someone can chime in there? NVMe uses numbers it seems - my boot drive is /dev/nvme0n1
There are other ways to access devices and partitions besides that though. I just had to put EndeavourOS on a flash drive and the Arch Wiki recommended doing this by targeting the drive via /dev/disk/by-id/, which lists connected drives by name, connectivity and serial number.
That’s totally true and somehow it didn’t think of it. I think that is the closest equivalent of the Windows naming scheme on storage devices.
But on the contrary: I believe on Windows the drive letters ( C:, D;, etc) ARE used for recognition (by the user) while the drive is already mounted. But you can also mount them without assigning a drive letter, making it somewhat different than how it’s handled in Linux. On Linux, the (average) user usually doesn’t see stuff like “/dev/sda” unless they specifically look for it. At most, they will see the name that are assigned to the drive and it’s mounting point.
In Linux there is one filesystem and you mount your drives in a folder of your choosing within that filesystem. By default external drives mount in /mnt or /run or wherever your distro sets a default mount point.
It… doesn’t? Unless you mean line /dev/sda1, but that’s not really the same thing. On Linux you can theoretically mount any drive anywhere you want under the root, so you might have your music on /mnt/music, or /media/music/ or you could mount it at /home/<username>/music.
Mine is on a drive called Stuff I have mounted at /mnt/Stuff/, I also have a symlink in my home directory from /mnt/Stuff/music/ to /home/<username>/music, which seamlessly makes it appear that it’s there as well.
Really it’s far more convenient than arbitrary drive letters!
Removing things like showing drive letters in explorer, but in another part of the announcement they’re introducing a new focus session widget? I…
I’m going to have to finally bite the bullet and move to linux soon, am I? >.>
Linux doesn’t show drive letters either.
There are no drive letters in Linux because that concept is specific to Windows.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
I have like 4 drives at minimum and knowing where I am at a glance is nice, is there no hope
Maybe Linux has an alternative way to show drives. Idk I haven’t tried Linux.
Linux has a very different file-structure, which is the way your files are organized on a system. It’s a bit weird at first, but once you get used to it makes a lot of sense. A second drive can often be found at /mnt/DRIVENAME or /media/DRIVENAME. But they show up in the file manager in a list anyhow.
That’s for mounting, yeah, but when it comes to interacting with the hardware, Linux itself uses letters for some types of devices. For example, serial-connected ones (e.g. SATA internal drives, USB external drives) are /dev/sdx (x being a letter from A-Z). I don’t know what happens when all letters are used up though, maybe someone can chime in there? NVMe uses numbers it seems - my boot drive is /dev/nvme0n1
There are other ways to access devices and partitions besides that though. I just had to put EndeavourOS on a flash drive and the Arch Wiki recommended doing this by targeting the drive via /dev/disk/by-id/, which lists connected drives by name, connectivity and serial number.
That’s totally true and somehow it didn’t think of it. I think that is the closest equivalent of the Windows naming scheme on storage devices.
But on the contrary: I believe on Windows the drive letters ( C:, D;, etc) ARE used for recognition (by the user) while the drive is already mounted. But you can also mount them without assigning a drive letter, making it somewhat different than how it’s handled in Linux. On Linux, the (average) user usually doesn’t see stuff like “/dev/sda” unless they specifically look for it. At most, they will see the name that are assigned to the drive and it’s mounting point.
Pretty much, yeah. I think Windows uses something like \\PhysicalDisk0 internally, then shows it to the user with lettering.
When all the letters are used up, it goes into doubles, i.e. /dev/sdaa, /dev/sdab, and then triples, I believe.
Linux doesn’t show drive letters because it doesn’t use drive letters at all. Instead, everything is a file off of the root directory.
Because that arbitrary concept doesn’t exist in Linux.
In Linux there is one filesystem and you mount your drives in a folder of your choosing within that filesystem. By default external drives mount in /mnt or /run or wherever your distro sets a default mount point.
Linux doesn’t have drive letters. They use an entirely different system, where everything is a file.
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It… doesn’t? Unless you mean line /dev/sda1, but that’s not really the same thing. On Linux you can theoretically mount any drive anywhere you want under the root, so you might have your music on /mnt/music, or /media/music/ or you could mount it at /home/<username>/music.
Mine is on a drive called Stuff I have mounted at /mnt/Stuff/, I also have a symlink in my home directory from /mnt/Stuff/music/ to /home/<username>/music, which seamlessly makes it appear that it’s there as well.
Really it’s far more convenient than arbitrary drive letters!
I’m thinking the same. Windows becomes worse all the time. The only thing that’s kept me are some games.